What is Child Benefit?

Child Benefit is money paid by the government to people who are responsible for children.

Child Benefit is available to everybody who has children, whether or not they work or pay tax. It is usually paid directly into your bank account, every four weeks. The amount of Child Benefit you receive depends on the number of children you have (currently £20.30 per week for the first child, £13.40 for every other child).

Everyone living or working in the UK who has children living in their household, or is responsible for a child’s welfare, is eligible to apply for Child Benefit. In this case ‘children’ means anyone under 16, or aged 16-19 and in certain kinds of education or training, or aged 16-18 and registered with certain employment or training services.

Child Benefit is non-taxable income, so it will not affect any other benefits you receive.