HMRC Tax App
HMRC Tax Calculator App A tax calculator app created by HM Revenue and Customs has been updated. New features have been added to the app which was introduced in the spring and helps users work [...]
HMRC Tax Calculator App A tax calculator app created by HM Revenue and Customs has been updated. New features have been added to the app which was introduced in the spring and helps users work [...]
Huge fines are on their way to hundreds of UK taxpayers with Swiss bank accounts. This is unless they take the last chance that is being offered to them by HMRC to pay any tax [...]
HMRC has declared that it has reclaimed in the region of £21 billion from people not paying enough tax in the last tax year. The figure is a record and is the result of an [...]
Small Companies - New Credit System Effecting Small Firms... Small firms may face tax repercussions after failing to be told of major welfare changes and the implications these have for them. The Government’s planned Universal [...]
Credit Reference Agencies Helping HMRC... HMRC has recently completed a pilot scheme where credit reference agencies have helped identify people who are potentially not paying enough tax. The pilot involved in the region of 20,000 [...]
Tax cheats are being called on to disclose all their income to HMRC before they are ‘caught’. HMRC have launched a new advertising campaign targeting those individuals who ‘moonlight’ or do jobs for ‘cash in [...]
New HMRC Taskforces HMRC have today announced today new taskforces aimed at certain industries in the UK. It is expected to retrieve up to 20 million pounds in unpaid tax. HMRC have reportedly recovered over [...]
It has been announced that HMRC are intending to invest millions of pounds to help improve their call centre experience over the next two years. For more on this story see: